ACES Launches Innovative Technology to Streamline Academic Support

Padlet is an educational technology that has recently been launched by our ACES Afterschool Program (ACES) and has innovated the way in which our staffadministrators, and parents interact. Padlet is a live bulletin board that allows for uniformity of agency and autonomy amongst our sites. It has served as an essential tool that streamlines core areas necessary for the effective operation of our programs promoting STEM, literacy, physical activity, arts, leadership, and nutrition for ACES participants. Each key player of ACES can view essential materials in real time, such as lesson plans, schedules, external training and resources, assessments, and more. 

The platform promotes creativity for these programs, which our staff has implemented through key themes. For example, this week P.S. 037Q’s Activities Padlet has a theme of “Being Thankful” and highlights lesson plans that detail specific activity processes and post-lesson assessments focused on gratitude. Every site is unique, so Padlet allows ACES Site Directors to personalize their online bulletins to meet the needs of their distinctive schools. Moreover, because Padlet fosters a virtual community, ACES participants can still benefit from our enrichment programming even when circumstances disallow them from attending in person.