Community Tennis Program
Youth ages 5-18 receive free tennis instruction from trained coaches in schools and public parks in all 51 New York City council districts year round:
All Levels
From beginner to advanced
Anywhere in NYC
See sites/seasons below
District 75 Included
Special needs students always welcome
All equipment provided free of charge to use on site
Participants bring sneakers and water
Year-round tournaments and events
All ages invited to participate
Registration Details
Registration now open
Registration for all NYJTL Community Tennis Programs is continuous and
players can register at any time -
Registration must be done ONLINE
Registration available at any time during the season.
After registering, just go to the site! -
No application required
No one is turned way or wait-listed
Attendance always optional
Offers kids a positive, safe environment on any days they are able to attend
Program Summary:
NOT a DROP-OFF Program
Most sites are generally open for 3 hours or more per session. Scheduled lessons are usually 1 to 1.5 hours. We strongly recommend not leaving kids under the age of 10 alone.
Extra Playing Time
Participants, ages 11 or 12 and over, depending on his/her ability to occupy themselves while unsupervised by NYJTL staff, is welcome to come outside the scheduled lesson time.
Summer, Fall & Spring programs are outdoors. In case of rain please use your best judgement. Classes may be cancelled due to wet and slippery courts.
School Holidays
Some of our programs do run in school yards and may not open or have a different schedule when schools or closed. Please speak to the Site Director for details.
Skilled, Caring Instructors
Our tennis instructors are specially trained to work with children and teens. Most are certified by the Professional Tennis Regristry. Every NYJTL instructor-on and off the court-has undergone a background check and is certified by New York City Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) as an out-of-school time instructor.
Program Advantages:
Encouraging physical activity
Promoting healthy living and overall skills -
Sense of accomplishment
Mastering a skill boosts confidence -
Inspires life lessons
Grit, stamina, persistence and teamwork -
A place to have fun
Offers kids a positive, safe environment -
Younger players accommodated
10 and under participants get special racquets, shorter courts and modified scoring so they can have fun on the very first day
For detailed schedule information, click on the appropriate link below:
Contact Scott Daly at tc@nyjtl.org or call 347-417-8177
Specific Daily schedules based on ages & ability levels are established by the Site Director at the time of registration. ALL Dates, Times and Locations are SUBJECT TO CHANGE. REMINDER: All tennis activities are outdoors (except Winter). In case of rain please use your best judgement. Classes may be cancelled due to wet and slippery courts.